CAE Application Specialist - MDO, ESSS
Guilherme is graduated in Material Engineering and has a Master degree in Structural Analysis and Mechanical Design at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He joined ESSS in 2010 and since then has been helping customers to integrate engineering tools and applying optimization techniques using modeFRONTIER. He is also an instructor of ESSS educational institute, where he is responsible for "Material Science and Engineering" and "Optimization techniques" on the specialization course of Structural Analysis using Finite Element Methods.
Brazilian industry is spread in wide variety of sector as Aerospace, Oil & Gas, Mining, Logistics & Supply Chain, Energy, etc. Despite their differences, a set of companies such as Embraer, Petrobras, Vale and WEG are using Optimization Techniques to better design products and processes. The methodologies used by these companies are going to be introduced and demonstrated by some user cases. The highlights are a new modified Marquardt algorithm to solve a marketing equilibrium problem, the methodology to solve a bin packing problem with fixed number of variables, and an Excel interface to run modeFRONTIER projects.