President, ESTECO SpA
Carlo Poloni received a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1987, the same course that he now teaches at the University of Trieste, Italy. His working experience includes working at the space division of Aeritalia (Italian aerospace company) and Sincrotrone Trieste, before joining the University of Trieste as a researcher focusing on Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation, where he eventually became a Professor. In 1999 he co-founded ESTECO as a University spin-off, and is now the company’s PRESIDENT. He has published more than a hundred papers in refereed journals and proceedings and has consulted with various companies and international organizations.
Overview of modeFRONTIER and ESTECO Worldwide
Sheraton Detroit Novi Hotel - Ballroom, Wed, 04/11/2015 - 08:40 - 09:00
ESTECO roadmap
Sheraton Detroit Novi Hotel - Ballroom, Wed, 04/11/2015 - 05:10 - 05:30